Here it is,my presentations (games and movies).
It needs "Microsoft office 2003" and "Microsoft office 2010" to be installed.
The files are zipped.The files that are in "2003" can be opened in "2010",but it can't be opened in "2003" again.If it's a game,right mouse click>pointer options>arrow options>visible.
- Ultimate maze (20,2 MB)(M. office 2003)
- The Hardest maze game (107.8 MB)(M. office 2003)
(Other presentations will be posted soon)
Thank you for your patience
If you don't have the programm for it,download it here.
Also,I have a Pou profile,my Pou's nicname is "blueAdnanS".
If you want to like me,send me a PM so I know what is your Pou's nicname.
Hey guy, you're still here? If you're, reply this message plz.